Technology for the MT
for the Medical Transcriptionist is the first
and only comprehensive technology book written specifically for
medical transcriptionists! This text book meets and
exceeds the technology objectives outlined by the Association
for Documentation Integrity’s model curriculum for medical
transcription education programs. TMT can be used
as the core technology curriculum for medical transcription
students as well as an excellent reference for postgraduate and
practicing MTs.
Click here to read the Preface
Technology for the Medical
Transcriptionist outlines fundamental computer
concepts and then applies those concepts to the real world of
the practicing MT. Information is relevant and highly practical
with detailed, step-by-step instructions.
Topics include:
Windows (XP and Vista)
• Managing files and folders;
saving, sorting and searching
• Customizing Windows for
utmost efficiency
• Computer security and
The Internet and electronic communications
Electronic references and search
Digital transcription and transcription platforms
Speech recognition
Introduction to databases and data tagging
Introduction to the EHR
Increasing productivity with shortcut keys, text expanders, and
electronic references
Click here to view the table of contents
Throughout the text, emphasis is placed on
security and efficiency with the goal being increased
productivity with accuracy. TMT includes detailed
information on keyboard commands and shortcut keys (instead of
the mouse) as well as extensive information on search techniques
using electronic dictionaries, word lists, and drug references.
Each chapter contains helpful features that
enable you to quickly master new concepts and put your new
skills into practice. Objectives and keywords help focus
on essential information. Color bands in the page margins
distinguish XP and Vista-specific content for quick and easy
reference. Color-coded feature boxes describe how concepts
and techniques work together, warn of potential pitfalls, give
tips on working more efficiently, and offer practical advice
based on the author’s personal experience.
Click here to view the User's Guide
Each chapter includes critical thinking
questions to spur deeper understanding of the concepts and
techniques described. The CD includes quizzes to direct
and enhance student learning. Instructors have access to
PowerPoint presentations and a test bank. New or changed
topics will be updated and posted on the book’s website.
Also included are special interest articles
on the development of the personal computer, the rise of the
Internet, the emergence of Google, and the electronic health
Click here to view a list of
Special Interest Topics
Practicing MTs and students alike will find
a wealth of information for increasing their technical skills,
improving computer performance, maintaining their computer,
working more efficiently, and increasing job satisfaction.
From newbie to veteran, there’s valuable information for
Technology for the Medical Transcriptionist
640 pages, soft cover
Full color
270 illustrations
CD and Web portal
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